Creating Captain Commands

  1. In the Play Scene Rule settings, choose 'On (Captain Command) Captain Command activation'.

  2. Press (Captain Command), then select ‘Create New’ to choose a name for your Captain Command. (This name is purely visual, and does not affect how the Captain Command works.)

  3. Choose what the Captain Command does by adding the necessary rule actions in the menu.

Ex) Creating a "Stop" command to make all players stop for 3 seconds


<aside> 📝 1) Choose ‘On (Captain Command) Captain Command activation’, and then set (Captain Command) to "Stop".

  1. In the Captain Command rules, choose ‘Stop (Player) movement’ as an action, and for (Player), select (All Players).

  2. As the next rule, choose ‘Wait (Number) sec', and set (Number) to 3.

  3. As a final action, add ‘Resume (Player) movement’, and set (Player) to (All Players).


Using The Captain Menu


  1. When entering a Play Scene that has a Captain Menu, a button shaped like a Pipo with a headset appears on the top of the screen.


  1. Press the headset Pipo button to see the list of available Captain Commands.